Breastfeeding Conferences - It's Just Breastfeeding: How did it get so complicated?

Breastfeeding Conferences - It's Just Breastfeeding: How did it get so complicated?

Sydney, NSW: Thursday 8th and Friday 9th February 2018

Sydney Day 1 - Thursday 8 February 2018

08:00 AM
Registration open – tea and coffee served
08:45 AM
Talking to women about breastfeeding
10:15 AM
Morning tea
10:30 AM
Breast assessment
12:30 PM
01:30 PM
Why it matters what we feed babies
02:45 PM
Afternoon Tea
03:00 PM
Getting feedings started with evidence-based care
04:45 PM


Sydney Day 2 - Friday 9 February 2018

08:45 AM
Positioning and attaching babies at the breast: Can we lighten up a bit?
10:30 AM
Morning Tea
10:45 AM
Normal patterns of early breastfeeding
12:30 PM
01:30 PM
Challenging early feedings
03:00 PM
Afternoon Tea
03:15 PM
Late preterm/early term: Somewhere between preterm and term infants
03:45 PM
Insufficient milk – Intake and/or supply?
04:45 PM

Molly Pessl

Molly Pessl


Molly is a registered nurse, childbirth educator and IBCLC. She has spent most of her 60+ year nursing career with a focus on family-centered maternity care. After 5 years as a health educator, clinician and lactation consultant for a hospital midwifery service, Molly moved to Evergreen Hospital Medical Center in Kirkland, Washington, a suburb of Seattle. During her years there, Molly developed comprehensive parent and professional education programs, a regional breastfeeding center, a postpartum follow-up clinic and Baby-Parent Groups. These programs led to the first US designation of “Baby Friendly” by UNICEF and the World Health Organization. Molly served on the US Breastfeeding Committee and the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners and is a past president of that board. Molly is currently the owner/director of Evergreen Perinatal Education, a consulting and education program for health professionals.

Ginna Wall

Ginna Wall


Ginna ran the lactation program at the University of Washington Medical Center in Seattle Washington for 35 years. She led the way to Baby-Friendly Hospital certification in 2009 and recertification in 2019.  Before that she was an acute care inpatient pediatric nurse, a camp nurse, a childbirth educator, and a doula.  She enjoys teaching healthcare workers about all the things she learned along the way.