Learn positioning strategies that make early breastfeeding easier for families and helpers, the effects of skin-to-skin contact and separation on infant stability, what biology tells us about normal early feeding patterns, and ways institutions and individuals can more effectively support breastfeeding parents for better outcomes.
Learn which methods of assessing milk adequacy during the hospital stay are reliable and which are unreliable, how to gauge the need for supplements, and when supplements are needed, recommended feeding volumes and methods. This presentation also includes reasons mothers use formula supplements unnecessarily and the impact on breastfeeding self-efficacy.
Summarizes strategies that can be used with term and preterm babies transitioning from bottles, nipple shields, and other feeding methods to full breastfeeding using insights from the research and clinical practice. Includes a four-part framework for determining possible factors contributing to distress at the breast, along with strategies for targeting interventions to the cause of the feeding problem.
Today, nearly all nursing parents express milk, but many rely heavily on their pumps to achieve their long-term lactation goals. This session covers key aspects of pumping for a baby in the NICU, exclusively pumping for other reasons, and regular pumping for work or school. Learn what’s important for establishing milk production without a nursing baby and how to use storage capacity to individualize pumping routines for exclusively pumping and employed families.
One of the greatest challenges of working with lactating families is those extremely dire situations in which breastfeeding is so far gone that parents seek out our help as their last resort. What makes a situation a "trainwreck?" Where do we start when faced with multiple difficulties? What strategies can help us navigate these stressful situations more effectively and compassionately? How do we best meet the needs of parents who are at the end of their rope?
Nancy Mohrbacher
Nancy began helping nursing families in 1982 as a volunteer peer supporter. She became an IBCLC in 1991 and spent 10 years growing a large private lactation practice in the Chicago area, where she worked one-on-one with thousands of families. Nancy is the author or co-author of three current books for nursing parents and two for lactation specialists, including her 2020 textbook, Breastfeeding Answers (2nd ed). Her Breastfeeding Solutions app is used worldwide, and her YouTube channel has millions of views. She currently creates innovative lactation education for aspiring and recertifying lactation consultants online at LactaLearning.com and speaks at events internationally. Nancy was in the first group of 16 to be honoured for their contributions to breastfeeding with the designation FILCA, Fellow of the International Lactation Consultant Association.