Breastfeeding Infants with Cardio-Respiratory Disorders

Breastfeeding Infants with Cardio-Respiratory Disorders

Available online until 31st Dec 2025


Congenital heart disease (CHD) is the most common birth defect. Cardiac and respiratory inefficiency complicate feeding for a significant minority of infants. Breastfeeding is generally easier for these infants than other feeding methods, especially if modifications are made to accommodate their reduced stamina and ability to manage flow. This presentation reviews the most common cardiac and respiratory issues in newborns and infants, along with research-based strategies to preserve breastfeeding and educate parents about their baby’s special feeding needs.

1.5 L Cerp (IBLCE Content Outline: I, II, III, IV, VI, VII)

Breastfeeding infants with cardiorespiratory issues - Catherine Watson Genna
15 mins
Start Quiz - time required is approximate

Catherine Watson Genna

Catherine Watson Genna


Catherine Watson Genna is an IBCLC in private practice in New York City, certified in 1992. She loves to teach, locally mentoring clinical interns and traveling to educate healthcare professionals around the world on assisting breastfeeding babies with anatomical, genetic or neurological problems. Catherine collaborates with Columbia University and Tel Aviv University Departments of Biomedical Engineering on research projects investigating the biomechanics of the lactating nipple and various aspects of sucking and swallowing in breastfeeding infants. She is the author of Selecting and Using Breastfeeding Tools: Improving Care and Outcomes and Supporting Sucking Skills in Breastfeeding Infants as well as professional journal articles and chapters in the Core Curriculum for Lactation Consultant Practice and Breastfeeding and Human Lactation.