IV. Pharmacology & Toxicology Webinar Package

IV. Pharmacology & Toxicology Webinar Package

Online until December 31st 2025

Need Cerps for Pharmacology & Toxicology? We've got you covered! Learn from 5 of the best practitioners in the field! 

This Pharmacology Webinar Package includes 5 lectures, offering 5 L CERPs, to help you meet your recertification requirements for Section IV Pharmacology & Toxicology of the IBLCE Detailed Content Outline.

Learn the essentials here to support the families you work with to make evidence based decisions about their health care and medication needs.

Click here to view the IBLCE Detailed Content Outline


Tier 2 & Tier 3 Countries:
We are committed to providing cost effective education anywhere in the world. Therefore we are happy to offer discounted prices for citizens working in tier 2 and 3 countries. View country lists

Full price
 Bundle and SAVE! Include all DCO webinar packages (I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII)
Tier 2 Countries
 Tier 3 Countries


CERPs Approval CL2021-1AU: Total hours 5
Total CERPS allocated: 5L CERPs