Into the Breech

Melbourne, VIC Thursday Dec 5th 2013

Vaginal breech birth will inevitably occur, whether planned or unplanned. However, due to the current obstetric practice to schedule all breech presentations for caesarean section, skills in vaginal breech birth are now lacking. Into the Breech will address the clinical evidence about the safety of vaginal breech birth and the best practice for clinicians who support women in vaginal breech birth, whether diagnosed or undiagnosed. The course will cover the mechanisms of physiological breech birth; how and when to help when the breech does not descend; and original research about the differences in women’s pelvises and the outcomes for mother and baby when birthing in upright positioning. Into the Breech provides up to date information about opportunities to access vaginal breech birth in Australia and the set-up of specialist breech clinics, here and internationally. It also includes a medico-legal discussion of the requirements of informed consent both to vaginal breech

ACM Endorsed Program


ACM Endorsed program: 6 CPDs.


Approved for RANZCOG CPD 2023, Domains & hours: EA: 7


Conference: Edmund Rice room, Treacy Conference Centre: 126 The Avenue Parkville Melbourne VIC